Daawat Basmati Rice


Tilda Basmati Rice


Kohinoor Basmati Blue


Laila Basmati Rice


Trophy Basmati Rice


Annapurna Basmati Rice


Akash Basmati Rice


Fudco Dehraduni Basmati Rice


India Gate Basmati Rice 5Kg


Kohinoor Basmati Silver


Salaam Basmati Rice


Badshah Basmati Rice


Eastend Basmati Rice


Fudco Basmati Rice Dd 2kg


Tilda Basmati Rice

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Natco Basmati Rice India


White Pearl Basmati Rice


Tilda Basmati Coconut Rice

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Tilda Rice Wholegrain

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Tilda Rice Lime-Cori

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Tilda Rice Lemon Herb

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The secret to the best rice meals- is using the best quality basmati rice!

India has many staple foods. But one common component that is present in almost every state is rice. A long-grained rice that is highly popular is the basmati rice. Basmati rice comes in the long-grain form and emits a mouth-watering smell as soon as it is cooked or even in the raw form. You may be wondering if it is possible to buy basmati rice online in the UK. Yes, if you visit us online at www.Sadda.co.uk you can buy the best basmati rice.

We serve you three components ideally. The first is quality. We deliver you the perfect basmati rice. And by perfect, we mean of the finest quality. Next is variety. We have a huge selection of rice in a variety of brands. The third component is price. The basmati rice price at our store is highly affordable. So, buy basmati rice online with us and get the best quality at the best prices and delivered to your home in the fastest time.